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The Barnes Group has created Driftfusion: A time dependent drift diffusion code for simulating solar cells in Matlab. The Group is also exploring other exciting areas such as neuromorphics.
Clotilde heads the nanoelectrochemistry group, whose work spans across the CPE's three research themes: Electrochemistry for energy storage conversion, structure, redox chemistry and conductivity in EC nanojunctions and electronic and atomic structure and low dimensional materials for heterostructuring of BP with metals low dimensional chiral nanosheets/nanowires.
The Complex Nanophotonics Research Group's main scientific interest is nanophotonics and in particular the coherent interaction of light with mesoscopic and nanoscale complex photonic systems.
The Fuchter Group use expertise in chemical synthesis to impact molecular science in chemistry, biology and materials.
The Heutz Group is focused on magnetic properties of molecular thin films, spintronic applications, novel fabrication methods for oxides, detailed structural characterisation of films and interfaces, and nanowire devices.
The Jelfs Group uses computational approaches towards enabling functional molecular material discovery.
The Ultrafast Optoelectronics Group led by Artem Bakulin develops state-of-the-art spectroscopy methods and applies them to understand the behaviour of molecular and nanoscale systems.